I always have a calculator, I don’t need to learn this…

Sure, you have a nice phone – So what! Even cheapie phones have a calculator built in. And so what if you always have it with you. If you are practiced in your math skills, you can still make an estimated calculation faster in your head than you can do it by digging your phone out and navigating to the calculator. If it the choice is between doing it quickly in your mind, or finding the phone app, it is just easier to use your noodle.

What if you don’t use your phone or your head? What do you miss if you don’t do the math? Who knows, it could be anything… Maybe you can get a better idea of the price you are paying per ounce, or it is a chance to impress your boss, or maybe knowing how much time it will take you get to your appointment. In situations like these, you may not pull out your calculator, or even think to, but having practiced math skills can give you the confidence and edge to find the data to make better decisions. In the end, you can choose to have the information or not, but a little practice will go a long way. Finding the answers takes some practice, and everyone can do it – even you!

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